chem test and pull ups...

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Posted by goodniteunderpants on October 01, 2003 at 16:06 []

Okay, so i'm about to have to go take a chem test...noooo! but it'll be okay because i just put on one of my pull-ups (Goodnites style--they're an off brand and BTW i like Goodnites MUCH better...they fit much more tightly...makes it more comfortable). anyway. it's still dry, but ijust had kool-aid with my dinner, so maybe i'll get a little nervous during my test and have a tinkle accident. going to go after the test and get some goodnites...have my last pull up on right now. leave me a message, and i'll tell you what happens later. i'm beginning to need a tinkle...wonder how long i can hold it? my tummy is getting tingly and i'm excited about maybe having an accident!


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