Re: Paypal is not discrete!

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Posted by D(i)L(bert) on October 18, 2003 at 09:41 []

In Reply to: Paypal is not discrete! posted by D(i)L(bert) on October 10, 2003 at 20:02

Note to self:
Of course, there's one more problem with anonymity: Whoever sells me my diapers over the net has to ship those diapers to me, and thus has some kind of address for me. I suppose you could send UPS "hold for pickup", but I have no idea what UPS will require in the way of I.D. when you pick up the box.

Of course, if you have a reasonably common name, there are likely two people using your name in any given metro area.

Me, I just hide what I'm doing by purchasing the usual, boring groceries along side my diapers.

Good luck, let us know how it went!


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