Re: Bedtime for baby-hubby?

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Posted by diaperboy on October 18, 2003 at 14:14 []

In Reply to: Re: Bedtime for baby-hubby? posted by Nikki on October 18, 2003 at 08:26

Well Nikki what should i call you?

Since fake names are out

You didn't answer me,if you knew of any mommys

What you do regarding dating is your business

Me personally i don't know how i would feel

if my x called and said,i want to be your
mommy again,but i'm going to date other
guys i'd say sure no problem...

But if i was to get in a serious relationship
i'd want my cake/pie and eat it to[if you catch
my drift] lol

bed time sounds good,i slept with my gf/mommy
so i really didn't have a bed time,i did
take naps on weekends..

Normally,she'd put my diaper on and we'd cuddle
on the couch,feed me a bottle...

If he's 4'9 sure you can carry him

my x gave me piggie back rides..

if you want,go to

archived storys

i'll do anything 4u

it's my story i wrote about my wish
if we got back together...

kit,would you like my email?



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