Re: Chloe's nappy

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Posted by Michael Duke on October 21, 2003 at 22:54 []

In Reply to: Re: Chloe's nappy posted by Someone on October 21, 2003 at 03:15

How dare you reject a masterpeice Someone!(Who are you?!) The only thing that stinks is you! You are a stinking crook! A stinking baby! The leader of a bunch of rotten stinking no good Fire Ants! (And you are the stinkiest of the lot!) You can get lost and drop dead in front of someone stinky like you! You don't like it?! Write your own story! Or else you can get a job in a baby day care where you can smell all the stink you want! Send me a better story if you think this one is bad you silly stick-in-the-mud! I am letting you send in a good story just to shut you up! If I don't like your story you will understand how I feel! Now piss off!


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