Re: Females and this fetish (kinda long)

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Posted by diapergirl80 on July 03, 2005 at 08:13 []

In Reply to: Females and this fetish posted by Tim on July 03, 2005 at 00:50

I know this is been discussed many times on this board, but I'll throw myself in here.

I am a woman/girl, and I was very much into diapers (also more DL than AB) before I ever met anyone else who was. I went 23 years and several lasting relationships without ever telling anyone else that I liked it. I was a late bedwetter (though I never actually wore diapers for it) and I think that is a common way that females develop this fetish.

If girls seem scarce, it can be for many reasons. Being asked constantly if I'm really a girl is tiresome. I've also had several guys who "fall in love" on first IM simply because I am a female in diapers. Most guys are reasonable, and I don't mind talking to guys. In fact, I like meeting other people who are into diapers, as long as we can find other things to talk about. Overall, I'll still say there is an imbalance, but there are more females than everyone thinks.

Anyway, I've had good and bad experiences with guys who are into diapers. At some point about a year ago, I made the decision to "out" myself a little and look for someone who could accept my need to be diapered. I am in a relationship right now with a man who was also into diapers long before I met him, but who usually played the Daddy role. It's been an interesting experience for the two us to mesh our interests, where he agrees not to baby me too much, but I also accept a little caretaking. I've decided that I want diapers to continue being part of my life, so should this relationship end, I intend to find another open-minded, compatible man who can accept my diapers.


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