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Posted by diaperman_98 on July 15, 2005 at 07:13 []

In Reply to: It's 103 degrees outside and thats not right. posted by BrianInSF on July 14, 2005 at 16:54

All those SUV Driving idiots, burning all the fossil fuels for a few days of driving. Last time I was in CA, the San Fran area specifically, I saw nothing but SUV's on the road, and then I saw some that had horrible exhaust/emissions. Those are the people that shouldn't be allowed to own a car bc they can't maintain it and yet somehow they pass inspections. I live in the Houston area and people here are finding a fascination with SUV's as well, but not me, I drive a 4 door sedan that I can drive for 2 weeks without filling up. Temperature wise it's the hottest part of summer coming up in August (can get to 101 but the damn hummidty adds about 20 degrees to that). I may move to colorado.


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