Re: I really want to be a baby again...

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Posted by Mike on July 22, 2005 at 14:00 []

In Reply to: I really want to be a baby again... posted by unloved on July 18, 2005 at 14:56

I had a minor brain injury 17 years ago and am now just getting my life back on track. Believe me, you don't want to self-inflict. If you think life is less-than-perfectly-pleasant now, having anything like an ABI(acquired brain injury)will mess you up big time. I have always been 'high functioning'; with that in mind, here are a few examples of how my life has been affected:
1: An inability to articulate your thoughts (even non-frequently) leaves people wary of you- making and keeping friends is extremely difficult. Also, because people don't understand you, credibility is lost quickly
2: Depression- brought about not only by your circumstances but also by actual chemical imbalances can drag you down
3: Employment is difficult to sustain
4: Symptoms really get in the way of life- ever had a headache lasting 17 years? People label you as moody and sullen because you aren't always at the 'top of your game'
5: A bit off topic, but trust me, no matter how much you like wearing diapers, there is never a convenient time to have an accident in your pants.
I could make the list longer, but trust me you want control of your bladder(and the rest of your life) much more than you realize. Wearing diapers all the time even if only for a couple years gets old real fast.


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