1950's Potty Training?

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Posted by peradventure_tom on July 23, 2005 at 18:10 []

I was reading an advice column in my local newspaper. The question went something like: My mom said she was potty trained at 18 months and that I was potty trained before I was 2. It seems to me that kids today are in diapers longer. How was it that my mother was able to accomplish teaching this task in the 1950’s when kids today seem so delayed?

The answer was something like this: Parents in the 1950’s were better in tuned to their children’s elimination schedules. When they sensed that the child had to go potty, they would rush them to the toilet. This method of keeping the child dry and clean plus the repetition of putting the child on the potty, taught the child to do his business in the potty. The person who answered the question then compared toilet teaching to teaching a child how to use a fork.

WHAT THE HELL!!! Both my wife and I were potty trained in the 1950’s. We were both beaten and shamed for accidents. Potty training was the result of intense fear and severe pain. They didn’t care about your damn patterns. An accident always meant a spanking! Period!

This 1950’s method would get a parent arrested today! He must have been high when he wrote that answer. He wasn’t sharing either!


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