Agreed with in full. The good news...

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Posted by BrianInSF on July 26, 2005 at 02:17 []

In Reply to: Re: Fortification from plagiarism posted by Shan on July 26, 2005 at 00:29

Agreed with in full. The good news... is that having known many coders hackers and webmaster I have determined some things about them. While most are incredibly inovative and knowledgable and therefore able to get around these defences, they are also INCREDIBLY lazy and therefore usualy unwilling to do the work involved in plagiarism even if it's not very much. As soon as it goes beyond CutCopyPaste they tend to call it a night.

They're not bad people it's just that the fact that Hacker and Slacker are so phoneticaly similar is no coincidence.
A little bit of protection isn't a suit of armor, but it's like the law of diminishing returns, that first little bit does a whole lot.

Say a webmasters chance of plagiarising is 1 in 10, those odds suck,ecpect to see your shit everywhere,

Say his chance of not giving up after he realizes its not just a cut copy paste job, are another 1 in 10,

And say his chances of actualy being knowledgable enough to use screen capture is 1 in 5

well, 10X10X5=500

you've just gone from 1 in 10 to 1 in 500. I pulled these figures outa my ass but ya see my point (-:

Also Russ could put his name at say 85% transperancy all over the image at a 45 degree tilt. It wouldn't stop people from stealing it, but it would at least ensure readers knew who the original doc came from. This too could be overcome, but its one more thing for them to deal with.
That being said though, you are completely right. Safes are made to be cracked, and the interenet by it's very nature is unsecure. It's realy too bad,

Your dependable friend,



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