My Da Da

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Posted by babie barbie on May 15, 2007 at 16:15 []

Just wanted to express a little positive energy and joy. My Daddy came to visit me a week and a half ago. Boy oh boy did we have the MOST Lovely time together. We had intently gotten to know each other prior to Daddy's visit...and then, Pow!!!.... we had 72 hours in person and pure bliss.... I would love to share more... and will....just wanted to start with this fact...
My Daddy and I have a connection that is almost unexplainable .... a bit cosmic, if you will...oh my, did we laugh and laugh...sipped beautiful champangne... I tried on and wore all of the diapers Daddy brought... we tested them for comfort...absorbancy and fit... and mostly just spent 72 hours of heaven together. Daddy brought the CUTEST baby pants for me!!! (amongst many other! ) One pair is from a Japanese company (you know the super adorable and oh so well crafted kind)... More to come...xoxo

babie barbie


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