Re: Getting the balance right

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Posted by Glad to help on July 09, 2007 at 00:13 []

In Reply to: Getting the balance right posted by Paul on July 07, 2007 at 17:04

>>> Paul wrote: "If you're dominant the whole time, doesn't it make them feel trapped?"

Not necessarily. Many submissive women relish such Dominant men.

>>> Paul wrote: "Getting this balance just right seems to be almost impossible."

I disagree. In fact, its quite natural. What works for you right now is "just the right balance" for you. What works for DaddyMaster right now is "just the right balance" for him. Same for L.E., and so on. There is no such a thing as one right or wrong balance between role-play and reality nor one right or wrong amount of Dominance.

But is there a "right balance" between partners? Sometimes, though these periods are often temporary since your ideas (and hers) about balance and Dominance change over time. When these changes occur however, you shouldn't use your partner's yardstick to judge "the right balance." Neither should you significantly alter your ideal balance, nor your Dominance style, primarily for her satisfaction.

Know and be yourself, and if you've picked a compatible partner, you and she will have fewer "imbalances" over the long-term.


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