Re: My am lQQkin

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Posted by Daddy Adam on September 08, 2008 at 00:17 []

In Reply to: Re: My am lQQkin posted by Mark on September 07, 2008 at 17:46

Ive read this a few times and i have to say, I am appauled at Marks responce.
Little miss has taken a chance and the courage to put up a post and Mark has defiled her efforts.
It takes alot of courage for girls to come out in this lifestyle and be who they want to be. Little miss clearly states she is looking for a daddy, not a sissy guy in a dress! Marks opening sentance also tells me he is just looking for any girl to satify his needs without any condideration to her. To be told, "If it doesnt work out with my first choice, i'll have you" (yes im phrasing in my own words, but the meaning is the same), is not only offensive but also right out of order. Its people like this fukwit that chases away the girls and makes for angry feelings. Be a sissy somplace else, there are plenty of sissy sites around the globe, why piss on this parade??!!
Little miss, ignore this ignoramous and continue to just be you, I wish you luck in your search.


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