Re: bedtime stories

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Posted by Der Vorleser on March 10, 2009 at 01:40 []

In Reply to: bedtime stories posted by daddy_seaside on March 08, 2009 at 12:31

I'll take this one step further and ask about books that seem a bit above the LG age span. What do LGs think about being read books like "The Hobbit" and basically most of the Harry Potter series, just to name a few fantastical yet young age mentality type stories that can go in placement of Dr Seuss?

I'm not a father yet (real one, mind you, but it could still hold true as a daddy to an LG), but I imagine that when I am I'll either be reading or telling from memory the story of the hobbit among other fantasy or make believe tales to my kids (or LG if I'm lucky), cause even if they may have some scary and suspenseful moments, I still think they have a good message to get across.

Thought's on this?

Also, I'm on these boards often enough that I really should pick a steady pseudonym to go by rather than picking one up based on the subject I'm commenting on. Der Vorleser is german for "the reader," which is the name of a well known novel which originated in Gernmany and recently has been made into a movie which was just barely nominated for best picture in this year's oscars. The name fits quite well into the subject matter at hand.


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