need your help !!!!!

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Posted by mark on April 06, 2009 at 13:33 []

Well I tried to please these two young ladies from diaperamy & babykatie but they seem to be playing games with me . I even gave up on wearing diapers my self like I use to please them . Then I email babykatie and she never returns my email . Am I doing something wrong ? they even say under there profile that there gay/lesbain but I know there not because diaperamy say she is bio . So I am a bit confused ? I try to treat them nice but I feel like I am being let down . Then babykatie says she wants to be my girlfriend but she never even calls or even emails me back . So what I want to know from you LG's and Bethan is am I doing something wrong , should I keep trying or what ? please Help me ?


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