Re: Getting your Nursery Ready??

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Posted by cuddlemonkey on November 12, 2010 at 08:19 []

In Reply to: Getting your Nursery Ready?? posted by babyzoey on November 07, 2010 at 00:24

I'm not a daddy, but I AM a carpenter :D I'd expect materials for this kind of project to run $100-$300 depending on the type of wood, complexity of design, and your location.

If you have access to a woodshop, the cheapest (and funnest) way is to do it yourself! A number of websites sell woodworking plans, and either you or a pro if you need help can scale them up to fit an adult-sized mattress. If you can't do it yourself, you can always ask around in your local community and try to find yourself a kink-friendly builder (we're out there, believe me :). If you go that route, expect to pay $25-50/hr in labor plus materials and a design fee. Be sure to get an estimate beforehand and ask for references as well.


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