Desparation--True story...

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Posted by andrea on May 27, 2001 at 21:40

No more than 10 years ago a San Diego Charger football fan, I'll name him Joe went to a home game as well as other fans. There was at least 60,000 fans there cheering the team on and during one of the intermissions he went to the mens bathroom which there was a short line and the women's bathroom had a long line with women shifting and being desperate.

Joe went to one of the urnials to pee when he saw 6 very desparate women walk in and peed in the urinals next to him. They apologized for walking in and didn't want to go in their pants, after he left he got so angry that a few days later he sued the Chargers, the city for distress and a few years later the Chargers got the stadium to be expanded and it now has more women's bathrooms and other things that made it better for people.

I'm sorry that this is not a good desparate story but it did happen. Next time I give a good story I'll make sure it is better then this.


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