Re: Weak bladders

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Posted by Dr. Frodo on May 10, 2001 at 09:32

In Reply to: Weak bladders posted by Jock on May 10, 2001 at 08:48

The term "weak bladder" is applied to a variety of problems that result in a frequent need to pee. These include a physically small bladder, weak sphincter muscles, an enlarged prostate in men, kidneys that respond quickly to fluid intake, allergies to certain substances, psychological conditions, just plain habit, or a lot of other things. In some cases, "training" can help. There are also medications for "overactive bladder" and for some prostate problems. Uncontrolled diabetics tend to drink more fluids and therefore need to pee more often.

Needing to pee often seems more socially acceptable in women, so we're more aware of it as a "female problem", but it happens with males as well. Bedwetting occurs more often in males than females.

Sphincter muscles can be strengthened through exercise, and habits can be altered. There are mixed opinions as to whether the bladder can be stretched through practice. Some people can learn to bear the discomfort of a full bladder and thus hold more and/or wait longer.

Because frequent peeing is an inconvenience and sometimes embarrassing, young people with this problem should first consult a doctor, and if no organic disease is present, they might try muscles exercises and just holding on a little longer than usual. But not everyone can hold for 24 hours or pee a liter or more!


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