Re: New Fun

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Posted by anothermidlleager on June 02, 2001 at 15:14

In Reply to: New Fun posted by middleager on June 02, 2001 at 10:01

That is good to read you have fun.
My wife likes that too when I am pissing to my pants but she does not know that it is not an accident as I act it. I do it in purpose. Pehrps I will not tell her that it is not that kind of problem I have.
When I ask her she likes to put her pants off and show me when her piss is running down between her legs. Sometimes she do it onyo her pants because she knows, that seeing that gets my cock up and then we can also make love as we were young. I am fucking her mostly backwards and best is when we do it outside; sometimes in forest.
We have found new way of sexlife.

Hope many of you can do same.


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