Re: For TARZAN ...

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Posted by Tarzan on December 07, 1998 at 15:32

In Reply to: Re: For TARZAN ... posted by Fluidity on December 05, 1998 at 22:13

Fluidity, I would agree except for two things. The sheet enclosed in the box said, "Use it all month long for protection against embarrassment from 'those little accidents'" (quotes from the original). First, I never ever heard the minor problem of "spotting" described by a woman as "those little accidents", but I have certainly heard minor or moderate urinary incontinence described in those terms. But, most important, is the use of the term "EMBARRASSMENT from 'those little accidents'". Unless a woman runs around showing people the crotch of her panties, she doesn't suffer "embarrassment" from spotting. Urinary leakage, on the other hand, if it leaves visible wet spots on skirts, dresses, slacks, jeans, shorts, little puddles on the floor, or droplets on the sidewalk, can indeed be an embarrassment! So I respectfully disagree . . . I think the intent of the info sheet was to encourage the users to use the product for both menstruation and pee wetting!


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