How it all started

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Posted by sara on December 30, 1998 at 21:45

I'm flattered by the number of people that have responded to my experience. Therefore, I'll tell you a bit about my fascination with female pissing. Before I tell you this, let me tell you that I'm also fascinated by guys pissing, but I've had plenty of times to witness this. However, my female pissing fascination started once when I was at school (25 yrs old). I was pissing in the bathroom and two other girls went into each stall to my side. As they unbottoned their jeans and heard the noise of the fabric as it was being pulled down, I started to imagine what they would look like. I mean I could picture them right there with their jeans and panties halfway down. Anyway, as they started to piss, I started to imagine the sight of watching their urine out of their vagina. Even though I had finished my "business", I remained there for some time and even heard them tear the toilet paper from the roll. Finally, I hear them get up, flush the toilette, and heard their conversation as they checked themselves on the mirror (makeup). Anyway, I found myself very excited but at the same time worried. Did my fascination mean that I was bi? I mean I've always enjoyed sex with men, but I've never had a lesbian experience. Later that night, I remembered the sounds and got excited again. This time, I went to the bathroom and pissed, listening closely to the sound my piss made. I was too excited and had to masturbate myself. I don't know if I'm bi or what, but certainly, female pissing is much more interesting (and rare) than male pissing.


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