Brit TV show

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Posted by Delurker on January 08, 1999 at 17:12

Hi all, 's me again. Now I don't know if you guys there in the US of A ever see any British TV. For you British readers, you may have seen this series:

We have just seen a UK TV miniseries called "Have Your Cake and Eat It". Given the state of the South African economy, the show was probably DONATED to the South African Broadcorping Castration about 30 years ago.

However....... in the one episode (I think #4)the main bloke in the script, is having and affair with some woman. the scene shows him in bed with "The Mistress" asleep. The door of their flat (apartment) opens (and you think, "Oh, #@$!@ he's going to cop it now!"). anyway, "The Mistress'" sister lopes in with a rapid lope and immediately goes to the loo - stage right.

she pulls down her pantihose (you don't get to see any panties), sits down and wees - you can hear the whole thing - but can only see her sitting there - side view.

Then she gets up - they don't show her wiping - pulls up her pantihose and the scene goes on (one assumes she will drip-dry *grin*).

It didn't send me into an paroxsysms of burning lust or uncontrollable arousal, but it was nevertheless most interesting.

Sorry this is such a small anecdote - I promise to try to give better value for money next time round ;-)


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