Just could not move another inch

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Posted by Matrix on January 25, 1999 at 05:55

I really enjoyed weesels account of the canoe ride. There was a part there where he said she moved her foot to apply pressure and she said she could not move an inch without wetting. I have seen similar situation, or situations where movement was very slow and deliberate, as if one wrong move could cause a flood.

I have asked this question on another bbs but the story raises the question again. I have seen some girls hold themselves then loose it. Others can get to that point and, once they apply pressure, can seem to hold on nearly indefinitely. Some girls have related to me that, by the time they are holding themselves they have already started to leak a little, and yet this does not seem to be a general rule. Others just say that the pressure applied simply assists their normal bladder muscles but does not, in itself, stop any flow.

So, could any girl shed light on this, or at least share their comments on this. When you apply external pressure, foot or hand etc., is it possible to get to the situation where the only thing keeping everything together is the pressure applied? Is it dependant on the situation or cloths? I am interested in getting a range of views as it appears there is a lot of difference in the benefit of having to use the hand or foot.


Email: matrix@accsoft.com.au

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