Desperate Surprise

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Posted by ppPanties on January 27, 1999 at 19:55

This was TOTALLY unplanned by the way. I got up around 5 a.m. (maybe even closer to 5:30) to pee, and went back to bed. Next time I woke up, I realized I had overslept... it was about 5 minutes after the time I normally LEAVE the house. So, like a crazy person, I washed real quick, brushed my hair, and grabbed a barette, brushed my teeth, and high-tailed it out the door.. scraped my frosty windows and headed for work. I work 25 miles away.. no highway except for an on and off just before I get there... one exit. Pulled into the parking lot and parked my car and went into my office. My coworker was busy at work, as she starts a half hour earlier than I do. I walked over to my computer to turn it on.. and stopped short. At that moment while I was still standing, all of a sudden I had to pee so bad I had to cross my legs and squeeze really hard. In my
>rush, I didn't pee before I left the house, but I swear.. I never felt the urge or need to pee till that moment. When I walk in the door from the parking lot, the ladies room is right there.. but I never even gave pause or thought to going in there. I muttered "oh shit! I was wearing a very short (ladylike but bordering on too short i suppose) velour dark brown leapord print dress and tights.. no panties. I don't often go without panties, but I was so rushed I decided the heavy tights were good enough. I was frozen in place... and I was sure I was gonna lose it right there. In fact.. I started to as a few gushes (not trickles or spurts) let loose, making me squeeze even harder. It felt like a lot, but it didn't run down my legs. Needless to say.. I was panicking and holding my breath at that point. My coworker turned to me when she heard me say "oh shit" and I said.... "Fuck... I'm not gonna make it to the ladies room." She gave me an understanding... "Deep breath dear.. you'll make it"... in her southern manner. It was obvious the way I was standing that I was in distress and had to pee. I didn't tell her I was already wet. Somehow I regained control... and while squeezing and walking and leaking.. made it to the ladies room. Thankfully no one was in there, because as i
>rushed into the stall and pulled down my tights (still squeezing hard) pee started to gush out onto the floor as i lowered myself onto the toilet. I know I drank a LOT of water the night before, and went to bed quite late... but damn... I never had the urge to pee come over me so quickly or take me by surprise that way. I paper towel dried my tights the best i could. Luckily, the tights are like a knit heavy weight material (good for cold days and short dresses) and didn't show the wet very much. They sure were wet though.. and the dress is a plush, soft velour material and also wouldn't show the wet spot once I sat down.

It was quite an exciting start to my day. I came VERY close to having a full blown, unplanned, and potentially very embarrassing accident right there by my own desk.. on the carpet. As it was I was embarrassed in front of my co-worker, but she seemed to understand that these things
>happen. I don't think she knew how wet I was, or that I was wet at all for that matter.. and I wasn't about to tell her. When I came back into the office.. I just said "Whew.. thought I wasn't gonna make it."

Unexpected.. and short lived.. but desperate nonetheless. Scary.. but exciting. While sitting on the toilet, I just sat back, and reflected on the unexpected.. and enjoyed it.. very much!


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