New England Patriot's Parade

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Posted by Peeter on February 07, 2002 at 04:47

With the Patriot's winning the Superbowl last Sunday, there was a parade and large gathering at City Hall Plaza in Boston this past Tuesday. Despite the cold weather, I wanted to attend to show my support for a great season. I dressed in layers for standing out in the cold. This included long underwear, sweat pants and a pair of snow pants on top.

I was very warm while watching the parade and glad I dressed the way I did. While at City Hall Plaza listening to the team speaking I needed to piss from all the coffee I drank that morning. There was no where to go and all of the bars/cafes in the area were not open to the public for restrooms or filled with others trying to get warm. I decided it would be more fun to see if I could make it home. I hoped I could not.

I got on the T to go home but the ride took longer than I thought. I was one stop from where I needed to get off when I could not hold it any more and started to leak into my snowpants. The many layers underneath started to absorb the piss and nothing was showing from outside. I did my best to stop the flow entirely. When I reached my stop I could hardly walk to my car the pain was so bad.

As I reached the parking garage level where my car was I could not hold on any longer. The piss just started coming and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I just kept walking with by bladder emptying into my snowpants. Again, nothing showed until it started to leak out from the bottom of the pant legs. Needless to say I was quite warm, and hot, by the time I reached my car. I had a great time wacking off once I arrived home.

Another secret wetting in snowpants. What a great way to spend a Tuesday.


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