Woodstock '94

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Posted by Lurker on January 01, 19100 at 20:29

In Reply to: Re: Wondering how many wet pants in NYC posted by Chris Wet on January 01, 19100 at 01:13

Dear Chris,
I wasn't there but at a business party I met a young woman who went to Woodstock '94. People were asking her what it was like. In the course of describing some of the hardships festival goers suffered, she talked about the few, crowded, overflowing, stench-filled port-o-potties. She said that by the final day, Sunday, many people were so dirty, sweaty and smelly anyway that rather then use the port-o-potties they just wet themselves. She said that she saw "wet" girls all over the place and lots of "wet" guys. I didn't ask her questions myself because I didn't want my co-workers to know about my wet fetish, but other party goers asked her about these wettings and apparently they were quite common. I sort of understood the female wettings, but I was surprised that guys - who can relieve themselves more easily then girls - also had many piss accidents there.


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