Re: TWV Will Enlighten You

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Posted by Stanley on January 07, 2000 at 10:19

In Reply to: please enlighten me posted by truly curious on January 06, 2000 at 20:53


I am male and wiccan. For information surf to the 'Witches Voice' web site at:

It will, most likely, tell you more than you ever wanted to know about their brand of Wiccan Craft. Following the links, you can even find a pre-initiate version of a Book of Shadows. Much of what they say applies to most varieties of Neo-Paganism I've encountered. Most neo-pagans have Christian friends. I don't know about your friend, but "the knowledge is not for those of a different belief" sometimes comes from those who can't accept the simplicity of the 'mysteries' and continue searching for the 'real' mysteries. There's books for non-Wiccans about The Craft, for example: Cunningham, Scott, The Truth About Witchcraft Today, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1997, and Farrar, Janet, Stewart Farrar, and Gavin Bone, The Pagan Path, Phoenix Publishing, Custer, WA, 1995. You can usually get these through inter-library loan or ordered though most bookstores. None of these sources considers their information restricted to Craft practitioners. I encourage you to learn whatever you're curious about within Neo-Paganism. The more we know each other, the easier it is to understand each other. (I also study the Bible and other religions to some extent.)



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