Re: Foreign people on this board

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Posted by Frodo on January 16, 2000 at 16:35

In Reply to: Foreign people on this board posted by JohN on January 16, 2000 at 16:11

An analogy I made in another post is that of the bulletin board in the laundromat. If I saw a 3X5 card thumbtacked up written in German, I wouldn't be bent out of shape about it. I certainly wouldn't write out a 3X5 card to complain! I'd read the notices that interested me and ignore the others.

English-speaking folks do comprise the majority audience here, but if I am willing to limit my readers to those that read French or Urdu or Swahili, I see no harm in posting in those languages. Why should I publically gripe about the fact that I'm pathetically monolingual?

Some of the interesting foreign-language posts have been translated by generous individuals, and I thank them for performing that service for us.

The Internet is world-wide and people like that unAmerican "American" need to wake up and realize the fact.


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