Re: Why is it......?

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Posted by ppPanties on January 22, 2000 at 11:30

In Reply to: Why is it......? posted by wetwednesday on January 22, 2000 at 09:28

Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to watch a man pee.... both clothed and otherwise. I'd especially love to offer my assistance. :-) The nature of the 'net when it comes to porn in general (NOT saying pee is porn material) is that it's for men. I've perused many porn sites, and to me most are cheesy, tacky, and do nothing for me. I'm not saying I haven't seen at least some material I've found arousing and appealing, but for the most part, I think most of it is crap. But the guys love it... and that's what seems to matter, and for pay sites, what brings in the money.

I have seen a few very good wet male sites, a few resulting from a post below (and one e-mail) that were great, but very few. And I've received some awesome photos from a few very trusting guys. But that's about it.. not much out there. I can't speak for other women (or guys) who would like them, or know what the demand is. Maybe it's not great, but the demand is there nonetheless. I think there more are guys who would put up personal sites if they got the encouragement, and had the ability (or help) to set up a site. I'd sure be glad to help. I have a few sites of my own (sorry just an avatar site for Virtual Places chat and a personal poetry site.. no wet panties site), but I'd certainly be glad to offer assistance or even do the site, and help maintain it. I'm sure there are others who would help too.

Hey.. maybe if enough of us here on the board offer encouragement and help, a few guys might take us up on it.



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