For Our Ladies

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Posted by Chip on January 24, 2000 at 06:06

A repost of something I found.
By the
way, there were some girls in our gang but all of us in the pissing contests were
teenage boys.

Anyway, we hung out in a Chicago Park District park which in those days were
thick with big old trees and bushes. There was a massive old elm tree behind the
bench we claimed as our "turf" and it became a pissing pole for at least two years. I
don't remember exactly how it started but I'm sure it began with one guy who peed
up about as high as his head, and ! someone else who decided he could better the
first mark.

Immediately after each pee the tree bark would be wet at the "high water" mark,
and we would then notch our initials next to our best effort. Ultimately we probably
had 20 or 30 guys in this two-summers-long contest. Most all guys could squirt up
about 5 or 6 feet so the eventual champs had to develop an expert technique. This is
how it went.

We found that we could build up serious pressure between the bladder and the end
of our dicks by squeezing the end of our penises so hard that nothing could escape.
Then we would bend at the knees, lean back a bit and thrust forward as we
released the first shot of pee. This technique got those of us who really got into it up
in 6 to 8 foot high range. But it didn't stop there for the most competitive among us.

We learned that we could also whip our dicks like little ropes to coincide with that
forward thrust and actually pee as high as 10 feet up th! e tree. One guy named
Paul, nicknamed Goomba, actually got it up higher than that. This may be hard to
believe but it is true. As I think back on it now, the sight in general must have been
even more crazy.

We were all athletes, mainly football players and track men with a few basketball
players thrown in. It was always summer, we were fit, tanned and what you
younguns' would now call hotties. There would be a group of at least 20 guys and
anywhere from 5 to 10 girls at the same park bench every night. It was a completely
open public space. The champs and any challengers would step up one at a
time,take out their dicks and balls, build up serious pressure and let fly. Any pee
shots above 7 or 8 feet would elicit loud cheers from the crowd even if they weren't
new records. The other thing that strikes me now is that it was usually a mixed
group, and while a few of the girls would pretend to cover their eyes we all knew
they were looking through their fingers a! ppreciating both the urinary acrobatics and
our fit male parts.


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