Night Incontinent

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Posted by Peematrix on May 10, 2002 at 19:05

I have been wearing diapers more so 24/7 lately (few weeks) trying to become night time incontinent, but am not having much success. I have been told to just keep wetting myself until I don't even know I'm doing it, but the more I wet, the more I seem to know I'm wetting or need to. When I'm in diapers, I let it flow continusly as I can. I love to wet the bed, but I'm tired of waking up to do so, whether I go to bed really full, or empty with what ever may come along. Like most of you, I want to wake up wet, completely uncontroled accidents. Later after this happens, I will work the long road back to control, only to loose it again and again...

Is there any fluids that help make the blader need to releave quicker, even if your not bloating to go? Beside getting liqurd up drunk... Any other good methods to break my control...


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