Multiple layers - question

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Posted by Lloyd on September 26, 2000 at 09:04

Hi, all. I primarily mean this question for the women on the board, but if any of the men have any experience of this, first, second, or even third hand, I'd love to hear it.

Women quite often wear multiple layers of underwear and even outerwear, either for experimentation, a "look" or for some other more practical reason, like weather, or during their periods (some may wear two pairs of panties). I suppose that women are more often partial to wearing these multiple layers, both because of the reasons above and also because women tend to be less judgemental and more accepting of behaviours that men would consider strange of another man.

My question is about wetting and the wearing of double layers of panties, shorts, jeans, trousers, etc. I would love to know if any of our female friends like to occasionally, or even more often, wear multiple layers like this, and for what purpose. Do you wear, say, multiple layers of panties so that you can leak into them more often and longer and keep them damp rather than soaked for longer? Also, have any of you had any experience at all of wearing multiple layers of jeans?

I have had some experience of this myself. I've tried some experiments with some remarkable success, mostly in regard to how much the double layers of jeans can absorb. I like to wear a pair of tight jeans over my underpants, then pull on a long t-shirt and then another larger pair of jeans over the lot, finishing it off with a belt, worn backwards, to make it harder to get off. The I drink lots of water, and sit and surf on the net until I'm busting to pee. Unlike many of you, I never reach the point of losing control, as I seem to have such strong muscles down there that the pain threshold is what actually gets to me first. I'm trying to remedy this situation somewhat, and have found that by holding well past the point where I would normally just decide to let go and pee, I will find myself getting close to the point of losing control. I still haven't gotten actually to that point, but when I'm close, I start letting little spurts go in my pants. The double layers of tight denim mean that the spurts have absolutely nowhere to go, and so my underpants become soaked as do the crotches of both pairs of jeans. This is a wonderful feeling which I imagine must be close to the feeling of very snug-fitting diapers. I know there is no hope of my getting to the toilet and getting BOTH pairs of jeans down in time if I lose it, especially with the belt(s) (sometimes I wear two) tight and on backwards, and so, I'm resigned to letting squirts go as necessary. I have to sit on a towel to make sure that I don't stain the furniture, but all the urine is absorbed by the jeans, which is completely different from my jeans-wetting experiences of the past. Usually, I've peed my jeans hard and long enough for my underpants to become almost uniformly soaked, but my jeans have typically had the customary inside-leg, front and butt soaking we all know and love.

So girls, could you please tell us if you've had any such experiences, and how did you feel about them? I'm sure I won't be the only one who would like to know...

Thanks in advance,


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