The Translation: Sort of......

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Posted by Nuff Said on September 27, 2000 at 07:50

In Reply to: Je me suis inondé ce midi posted by jenny on September 27, 2000 at 05:11

I had prévu, on the path of the return of école of laiser a little pisse to run in my supermoulant jean: çà me exite it to make and ça me exite of knowing that somebody could see it.

While going up boulevard X, I have laissé some goutes pisse to run between my legs. AussitÃ' T, it was hot and wet, and I put myself à to wet: I had the she-cat which dribbled as if I continued à pisser me above.

Arrivée in top of boulevard X, while looking between my legs, I saw two long suspect spots.

I have décidé to press the step, without être less excitée that before, malgré the fear dêtre découverte..

I could not about it so much any more I wanted pisser. I am précipité in my building, but instead of assembling à my apartment,

I am décendue with the basement and là I have to let all my bladder empty itself in a whistle léger.

A wave of hot pisse has trempé my Levis moulding to end up flooding my Air max very new. I foutais myself some.

I am entièremetn vidé. With the end I étais trempée, même my jacket out of jean était mouillée.

I am remonté prudently à the elevator which I took until à at home. I am vautré by ground and I am branlée until à the orgasme by releasing a last jet of pisse in my Levis collé à my skin.

Après, I put all my fringues à the machine before setting out again à école this après-midday


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