Story - Girls School - Part 9

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Posted by Eratosthenes on May 23, 2002 at 09:38

by Eratosthenes, with acknowledgement to the Ripple Story Index

Melanie stared at the floor, an insidious dread creeping over her. She was in very serious trouble, and she knew it. Her mom continued to sob in Peter’s arms, her shoulders shaking, her face wet with tears. Suddenly Peter turned his ashen face toward Melanie and, in a strained voice, said, “Leave the room. Now. Your mother and I need to talk”.
Melanie solemnly rose to her feet and shuffled to the door. As she was opening it Peter said, “And ask the Rothmans to come in here too please”.
She for paused for moment while he spoke, then turned and left the room without saying anything. Out in the corridor Charles materialized seemingly out of nowhere, and said, “This way to the dining hall miss”. He gestured toward another corridor. She glance at the floor near his feet and said nothing. He simply began to walk and Melanie followed behind him. Less than a minute later, Charles showed her into the dining hall and Melanie quietly walked over to Bill and Caroline. She said, “Um, my parents would like to speak with you”, very quietly.
Bill and Caroline glanced at each other and exchanged knowing looks, then Caroline said, with a smile, “Okay then dear”.

Melanie watched as the Rothmans rose and left the dining hall. The moment they were out the door, she and Kyrie were in each other’s arms, hugging tightly. Melanie broke down and began to sob. “It’s over Kyrie, mom and dad’ll never let us stay together”.
“Oh sweetie”, Kyrie replied softly, “don’t say that. My parents will change their minds. You’ll see”.
“A – are you sure?”, Melanie asked skeptically.
“Yes baby, absolutely”, Kyrie said. She kissed Melanie softly and deeply then. She broke the kiss then and suddenly Melanie squeezed them tightly together, fiercely. “Together forever! Right?!”, she said, just as fiercely.
“Oh yes!”, Kyrie breathed, kissing her lovingly again. They finally moved apart and Kyrie asked Melanie what had happened. Melanie explained everything to her, finishing with, “So now your parents are in there talking to them. I know my parents only too well Kyrie. They’ll never accept this. Never. It’s gonna be over between us, I just know it”.
“Oh baby, no it isn’t. Trust me, we’ll be able to stay together, I promise”.
‘I wish I had your confidence, I really do”, Melanie said worriedly.

They talked about their situation for another twenty minutes, producing a roller coaster of emotions in the process. Then the dining hall doors swung open and Charles showed both the Rothmans and the Willises into the huge room. They took their seats at the table, the Willises beside Melanie and the Rothmans beside Kyrie.
“Melanie?”, Peter said.
“Yeah?”, Melanie replied quietly, staring somberly at her plate.
“Your mother and I spoke about your situation. And we spoke to the Rothmans too. They helped us a lot to understand your situation. We’ve decided that, if this is what you really want, to never use a toilet again, to be with Kyrie, then we accept that. It doesn’t mean we like it, but we do accept it”.
Melanie looked at Peter, her mouth dropping open in shock. Kyrie was smiling from ear to ear. Melanie couldn’t help herself and began to smile too. Then she flung her arms around Peter and hugged him joyfully.
“Thank you dad”, she said, “thank you so much!”
She let her dad go and then jumped up and went to her mom and hugged her. Courtney hugged her back again, but stiffly. She was clearly still uncomfortable about it, and her acceptance had perhaps been begrudging. It did not go unnoticed by Melanie, but she decided that her mom would probably grow accustomed to it over time. At least she hoped so. She broke the hug then and went to Kyrie. The two of them melted into each other’s arms and kissed passionately. Courtney immediately looked away, her shaking hands betraying her discomfort.
“Oh baby, you were right”, Melanie said happily after they broke the kiss.
Kyrie just smiled and they kissed again. Suddenly Bill Rothman cleared his throat loudly. The two girls immediately looked at him as he said, “If you two ladies don’t mind, we have lunch to finish off”, with a smile.
“Sorry”, Melanie said, blushing.

They ate their meal in relative silence after that, with the only conversation being little more than small talk. After lunch was finished, Melanie’s parents were preparing to leave and go back to their hotel room. The Rothmans, of course, immediately offered them lodging in their palatial mansion. After quick words were exchanged between them, they decided to accept the offer and stay there instead. Caroline immediately arranged with Charles for somebody to go and get the Willis’s things from their hotel room. Melanie and Kyrie were standing side by side, holding hands, as Melanie’s parents explained everything to Charles. Just then Melanie needed to pee. Without hesitation she let it go and peed fully in her jeans. It felt absolutely wonderful. She couldn’t help herself and closed her eyes, reveling in the bliss of wetting herself. The hissing noise was noticeable and a large puddle formed on the floor around her feet. Peter shuffled his feet and looked away quickly, Courtney brought her shaking hand to her mouth, and studiously averted her eyes. Kyrie just giggled and said, “Really had to go huh?”.
“Yeah”, Melanie replied with a grin. She stepped away from the puddle and a moment later two cleaning ladies appeared and promptly and efficiently mopped it up. They walked briskly away when they were finished. Melanie was in heaven. She was free to use her pants as her toilet as much as she wanted.

* * *

The weeks went by only too quickly as the trial fast approached. During that time, Courtney and Peter grew more and more uncomfortable with Melanie being a lesbian, and always doing her toilet in her pants and bed. She made no effort at all to hide any of this, or even be discreet about it. She figured that if her parents have accepted it, then she should be able to do it openly, whenever and wherever she wanted. But her parents just could not seem to get comfortable with it, and indeed, they went the other way: they got worse, not better. It came to a head just four days before the trial, when they were out for a stroll near the lake and happened upon Melanie and Kyrie. The two girls were embracing and kissing each other deeply, and they were both peeing in their jeans. Courtney and Peter could clearly see the streams of pee flowing down their pant legs and the rivulets running along the ground away from their feet. And they could clearly hear the moaning and wet smacking sounds as their daughter French kissed another girl.

Courtney’s hand flew to her mouth and she promptly broke down into tears. Peter hugged her consolingly, his eyes squeezed shut in anguish. Then, abruptly, Courtney blurted, “Peter, I can’t stay here and see this sickness one more minute! I want to go home! Please!”. She was practically wailing.
“Yes”, he said disgustedly, while looking sadly at Melanie, “we’re leaving right now”. They walked uncertainly off toward the mansion. Melanie and Kyrie had broken their kiss and had finished wetting their pants, and had been listening to Courtney and Peter. When they walked away Melanie immediately ran after them.
“Mom! Dad!”, she cried out, “Wait, please wait!”.
She caught up with them and they stopped. Peter gazed at her sadly, anguish written all over his face.
“Melanie”, he began, “Your mother can’t stand to see this anymore. We’re going home now. Please don’t try to stop us”.
They turned and resumed their awkward walk toward the mansion. Melanie stood there on the pathway, watching them as they slowly disappeared from her life. She couldn’t help it and began to cry. Just then Kyrie stepped up beside her and took her into her arms. Melanie hugged Kyrie tightly and sobbed for all she was worth while Kyrie stroked her back consolingly. After a long while Melanie finally settled down and the two of them moved apart. Melanie looked at Kyrie with a wistfulness that puzzled Kyrie.
“You are so lucky”, Melanie began, “your parents fully accept your lifestyle and even encourage it”. She paused then, as if to collect her thoughts. “You are so lucky”, she said again.
“Sweetie”, Kyrie said, “Things will work out okay, you’ll see. Really they will”.
Melanie smiled ruefully and said, “I wish I had your optimism”.
She looked toward the mansion again and could see her parents, tiny in the distance now as they approached the door. Suddenly a change started to come over her. A certain defiance crept into her being. She turned to Kyrie and said, “Well, I’ve still got you sweetie. And nothing is going to take me away from you”. They hugged again then, fiercely.

They stayed out by the lake for the rest of the afternoon, peeing in their jeans when the need arose, and at one point going for another fully clothed swim. Eventually they headed back toward the house for dinner, they’re clothes having dried sufficiently so that now they were only damp. They decided to keep wearing them and not change. When they got to the house, Caroline told them that Melanie’s parents had been given a ride to the airport in the Rothman’s limousine (which was only used for guests) and their rental car had been returned to the rental agency. The defiance grew in Melanie as Caroline spoke, and now she said, “Well, I love doing everything in my pants and bed, and I love Kyrie so much. I will not allow them to take all that away from me. Never!”
“Don’t worry dear”, Caroline said with assuredness, “they’ll come around. I’m absolutely sure of it”.
“I sure hope you’re right”, Melanie said anxiously.
“I am dear, trust me”, Caroline replied confidently.
Melanie smiled a little then, and they turned and headed for the dining hall for dinner.

The next morning, as Melanie and Kyrie were finishing their breakfast, they heard a deep thumping sound coming from outside. The sound grew louder rapidly as the girls jumped up and ran outside to see what it was. They stepped out onto the sprawling flagstone terrace and were immediately able to tell that the sound was coming from the sky. They looked up and saw a helicopter circling low over the estate. KXNY NEWS was painted on the underside of the bright green chopper. They could see a man with a camera, poised in an open door. He was aiming the camera at the mansion. Suddenly he saw the two girls and he gestured frantically at the pilot to move in closer. Just then Bill and Caroline appeared beside the girls.
“Oh shit”, Bill said.
Kyrie giggled at his little slip of the tongue, and he grinned sheepishly and apologized. Then he said, “Come on, we better get inside. We don’t want to give those vultures a freebie, now do we?”
“No way”, Kyrie said immediately.
“I should think not”, Caroline said.
They turned and headed inside just as the copter passed directly over the back doors, just barely above the roof of the mansion. The windows rattled briefly in the downdraft from the copter’s main rotor as it passed over. They closed the doors and drew all the blinds and drapes in the entire place tightly shut.

They sat down in the lounge to talk, Melanie and Kyrie on a plastic covered loveseat due to their pee dampened pants.
“Well”, Bill began, “I have to say, I’m surprised it took them this long to get on to us about this whole mess”.
“Indeed”, Caroline agreed, “I would have thought they would have been here as soon as the charges were laid”.
“Maybe they didn’t know about it until now dad”, Kyrie offered.
“I guess they couldn’t have known about it”, Bill replied, “I mean, if they had known, they definitely would have been here”.
“Almost certainly”, Caroline replied. She thought for a moment and then looked at Bill and said, “Dear, I think we better get the guards down to the gates, now that the media nightmare has started”.
“Yes, definitely”, he said, “and I’ll get the perimeter patrols set up too while I’m at it”. He rose to leave and then paused and said, “Girls, you’d better stay inside now from now on. At least until this is over”. Both girls’ shoulders’ slumped and they pouted as Kyrie said, “This really bites”.
“Tell me about it”, Bill agreed. He left the room to go and see about the guards.
Melanie noticed that the roar from outside seemed to have gotten louder. She stood and walked to a window, parting the drapes and peering cautiously up into the sky. Her eyes went wide as she counted five helicopters now circling overhead, with another two approaching in the distance. Somebody in one of the helicopters spotted her in the window and it immediately changed direction toward her. It settled into a hover just above the window, a camera pointed directly at Melanie’s face. She jerked herself back away from the window and yanked the drapes closed quickly. Her heart was thumping noticeably in her chest. She turned and told Kyrie and Caroline about what she had seen. A look of seething fury came over Caroline’s face. She did not appreciate having her privacy violated like this. “Assholes”, she muttered fiercely.

Just then Bill came back into the room, carrying a walkie-talkie. He sat down heavily in a chair and looked around at everybody. Then he said to Caroline, “The guards are on their way down to the gate house now. I told them to radio me with a report as soon as they got there. The perimeter patrols are on their way out too. They’ll call if they spot anything serious”.
“Well hopefully they won’t”, Caroline said.
“They better not”, Bill agreed.
“Bill, do you think these people are going to be here all the time now?”, Melanie asked worriedly.
“Oh probably”, he replied, “they usually are”.
Melanie looked a Kyrie anxiously and Kyrie reached out and squeezed her hand. “The guards will take care of them sweetie”, she said.
“I sure hope you’re right”, Melanie replied.
At that moment there was an electronic pop from the walkie-talkie and a tinny voice issued from it, saying, “Gate patrol to Rothman base. We are in position now sir”.
“10 – 4”, Bill replied into the walkie-talkie, “what’s the situation there Reg?”, he added.
“There are about twenty media vehicles here with reporters and cameras. Quite the circus”, Reg responded.
“10 – 4 Reg”, Bill said, “Keep them at bay”.
“10 – 4 Bill”, Reg responded.
Melanie stood up suddenly and peed in her jeans with nervousness. Caroline smiled and said wryly, “I feel the same way dear”. The carpet went dark around Melanie’s feet as her pee flowed down her pant legs and off the cuffs onto the floor. Since the love seat she had been sitting on with Kyrie was plastic covered, she just sat back down again, enjoying the fresh warm wetness in her pants, despite the fact that she was nervous. Caroline pressed a button and the two cleaning ladies came into the room to clean up the carpet. Just five minutes later Melanie could not tell that there had ever been a pee stain there.
Suddenly an anxious voice erupted from Bill’s walkie-talkie. “Gate patrol to Rothman base!”, it said urgently, “Some reporters and cameramen have breached the perimeter. They’re running for the house”.

End of Part 9

I will do my very best to have Part 10 ready soon. Sorry for all the delays.

Copyright © 2002 by Eratosthenes, with acknowledgement to the Ripple Story Index. All rights reserved.


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