Katie hasn't been at all well behaved today and Daddy has sent her to her bedroom to think about all the naughty things she's done! Katie isn't doing much thinking though! Instead she's being silly on her bed and showing off her cute diaper!
Katie is very excited when Daddy comes in to the room, She wants him to play with her! But her excitement is short lived when she tells her he has to go to the store to collect some things for dinner, telling her that she must be good and stay on her bed while he's gone.
After a little pout about not being taken with him (and not getting pizza for dinner!) Daddy gives Katie a few of her favorite toys and leaves for the super market.
Katie plays happily with her toys until she feels a strange feeling in her tummy. She wriggles around and touches her diapered bottom.
"I need a..."
Daddy will be cross if he comes home and finds Katie in a messy diaper!
Katie wriggles and squirms on her bed, if she can just wait for Daddy to get home, she can tell him she needs to go. Katies tummy growls more and she can feel the huge pressure building up inside her bottom.
Katie lays on her tummy with her bottom way up in the air and trys to concentrate on playing with her toys instead.
"Hurry Daddy, Hurry"
But it's too late. Katie suddenly looses all control and the urge to push over whelms her. Before she knows it, she's pushing out a HUGE load in to her diaper! Katie's diaper puffs out as more and more mess is forced in to it!
Katie wiggles her bottom. Mmmmmm her diaper feels so nice and warm inside, but Daddy is not going to be pleased with her.
Katie decides that she will change her own diaper so maybe he will never know what a dirty girl she's just been! Laying back on her bed, Katie undoes the tapes of her diaper and carefully takes it off.
Her diaper is very stinky and the whole room is beginning to smell that way! She quickly takes some wipes and poking her bottom out making sure she gets everywhere, Katie begins to clean herself up.
Once all evidence of her messy accident is wrapped inside a dirty diaper bag, Katie rubs baby lotion all over her bottom. She then powders her bottom and pussy before laying out a clean diaper.
Once Katie is all rediapered, she's pretty happy with herself.
"Daddy will never know!"
Katie carries on playing with her toys as she listens for Daddy's car to pull back in to the drive.
Katie's still thinking she can get one over on Daddy at this point, forgetting the smelly little diaper bag she's left just dumped on her bedroom floor!
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