I woke up in the morning and I was supposed to hang out the washing when Jessy came up with the best idea to lock me on the balcony.I was very very mad and I had the big rush to poop.After few minutes of begging her to let me in,she did it but I've couldnt hold my poop any longer so I pooped in my new white panties.Went in the bedrom to have a look at what I have done when Jessy tried to escape from me and to go in the toilet to poop.As a revenge I made her shit in her panties too.Thanks God she havent gone for a while.The poop was everywhere in the room.It was such a pleasure to look at each other and touch our dirty bodies.That smell made us so horny!We were kissing and touching ourselves,smashing and spreading the smelly poop everywhere.Mmmm it was the best morning fun!
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