
Pink Panty Poop |
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Kim is doing the chore of washing up in the kitchen, dressed in a blue top and pink panties. She needs to go to the bathroom, but why do that when you can just stand there and be a dirty girl in your panties instead!
First Kim wets herself, and the pee stain gradually soaks it way through her panties to make a big wide stain across the back. Then she does a nice warm pudgy bulge of warm poop right in the middle of the pee stain! Her panties look wonderful - the perfect picture of a naughty girl who can't be bothered to stop what she's doing.
Then she goes back to finishing her chores in the kitchen, all the while with a poop hanging in her sagging wet and dirty panties. The poop jiggles as she moves around, with Kim seemingly unaware of what she's done. I've done that myself, and it's great fun to pretend you don't know what you've done. Who me?
At the end of the movie Kim pulls her panties up and down and from side to side to show us what a dirty mess she's made in her panties. She really does have a big mess all over butt. What a dirty girl!
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