
Long Night And The Book of Magic |
My magic book makes me want to be naughty in my panties!
A lot of people like to read books... So do I :) But I've got a special book, a magic book - my boyfriend found it in a book store and gave it to me for my birthday. He knew I'd like it, and he wasn't wrong. It's a real book with a hard cover, pictures and everything, and... it's all about other girls who like to wet themselves! Seeing that in a real book from a real book store - it's not like seeing it on the internet - a book seems to make it more acceptable somehow. And I like that a lot - it's ok to like wetting my panties because I've got a book that says other girls do too.
But why is it magic? It's magic because it gives me tingles between my legs whenever I read it. It's magic because it makes me want to go potty in my panties, and it's magic because I always end up with my legs apart, playing with myself!
Tonight I was reading my favorite book on the couch and my boyfriend spotted me immediately. Even though he obviously already knew, he asked if I liked it and suggested maybe I'd like to do the same thing. Umm, yeah.. that's why I'm already lying on a towel! Of course I want to, I always want to!
So I got on my hands and knees, bum in the air, and wet myself! The hot pee flooded my panties and ran down my thighs, even making a little pee puddle on the back of knees. As soon as I finished I was on my back with legs apart, masturbating my pussy like crazy. When my boyfriend tried to slide his hand up my thigh I gave him a little slap - I know how to do this the right way, I've had plenty of practice!
After enjoying my wet panties for a bit, I changed into some super sexy see through panties for the second act! My boyfriend was encouraging me to do it, although of course I wanted to do it anyway - filling my panties follows wetting them like night follows day! Being totally see through, you get a perfect view as I push out the poop and completely fill my panties. It was huge and heavy!
Yeah I know I've pooped myself - stop following me!
The massive poop in my panties felt so nice, I wanted to keep them on for as long as possible. So instead of changing, I just wandered around the house doing various things, with the big dirty poop jiggling in the back, with the camera constantly following me.
Then I headed back to the pee soaked couch to lie down on my front and read some more of my magic book. But now I had a big, dirty super warm poop sitting snugly between my bum cheeks!
Movie available in high quality MP4, Windows Media and streaming MP4 for phones.
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