
Pink Pajamas Made Me Do It |
When I slid into my diaper & put the pajamas on... I knew for sure I was going to be a dirty little girl again!
While staying at my Mom's house I found my old favorite fluffy pink pajamas from when I was younger. They were stuffed into a bottom drawer in my old bedroom. As soon as I saw them I knew I wanted to put them on, diaper myself and be a wet and dirty little girl again. They brought back so many wonderful memories of bedtime accidents, waking up in warm wet diapers, and of course the awesome feeling of messing myself!
They were a bit short in the legs, but otherwise fit perfectly. As soon as slid into my diaper and put the pajamas on, I knew what I needed to do. They felt so fluffy and cute and comfy, and I was instantly transported back to simpler times - times when I diapered every night for bed and times when I didn't need ro worry about the big girl toilet.
At first I just wanted to make the most of the babyish feeling - moving about, rolling on the bed, feeling the diaper all snug underneath - all the while telling myself I was just a little girl again, and it was ok to have an accident. Lost in my dreamworld it wasn't long before a little bit of pee escaped into my diaper - just enough to warm up around my pussy. It excited me sexually, and inspired me to go ahead and do what I really wanted :)
To make the moment last, I didn't rush... slowly but surely filling my diaper til it bulged with poop!
Wanting the moment to last as long as possible, I didn't rush, but instead slowly but surely filled the diaper until it bulged out with a lovely warm mass of poop. I could feel the poop load snug between my bum cheeks, and my pussy becoming more and more aroused. I imagined being found out and teased by my sister, and told what a dirty girl I was, which only excited me more.
After I was done filling my diaper, it was time to enjoy myself. I needed to sit on the mess, bounce my dirty bum on the bed, rock back and forwards, feel the poop squish between my bum cheeks. I wanted to revel in the moment, savor every erotic sensation, immerse myself totally in the fantasy, and truly believe I was little again. "I'm sorry Mommy. I've got a dirty bottom. I didn't men to. It was an accident."
The inside of the front of my diaper was sticky and wet with cum from my pussy. This was one of my erotic and exciting fantasy moments, and there is no way those pajamas are spending another second in that bottom drawer!
Movie available in high quality MP4, Windows Media and streaming MP4 for phones.
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