true sighting

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Posted by dessp k on September 22, 2000 at 07:50

here's another true sighting for u all but first i must ask all & everyone on this board to post their true sightings here i need more i need more
ive got loads more & all true so keep me interested or ill just curl away in bed with my memories and wank to myself.
well here it is
i was was once out wiyh my girl walking the dog on a field neer home. wed had some drink and a smoke of draw & about 5mins into it we were having a good laugh until my girl became hysterical , she began to screem during fits of laughter "im gonna wee , im gonna wee stop stop im gonna wee" i was so excited i couldent control myself & instictivly (almost) tried to make her laugh harder but still she screemed "oh god im gonna wee im realy gona wee" but still no sighn of an accident. my head must have been in the same state as her panic , hysteria & desperation but even though i desperatley wanted her to wet her knickers seeing her agony i couldnt be so crule and backed off a bit
also i didnt want to appear i was being deliberatly crule because ide only recently told her how much this (kink) turned me on.any way in the calm before the storm when she regained some thought and control she was saying "was i dead load then, was i ??" she was worried that being so close to home someone might of heard her but i just played it down and calmed her down , thinking "ill catch her off guard" and i was right
i cracked another joke (not a very funny one but in the magic of the mo........) she cracked into her hysterics again and this time i drove hard and fast and her cries began to repeat " i'm gonna weee im gonna weeee!"all the time she was dashing around until finaly, (yes at last finaly ) she collapsed into a crouch (the ultimate sign of saying "shit im gonna wet myself right now" without actualy saying so)she couldent speak through her laughter but at last i knew she was weeing her sexy pink panties
all i could do was stand and stair as my girls face turned red . when her laughter finaly subsided all she could say was "i think ive weed" and then ( for some reason this still sends my head in a spin ) she reachedup her skirt to have a feel of her little sexy knickers and simply said ashamed "yea"


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