Why do accidents happen?

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Posted by Frodo on January 29, 2000 at 13:41

In Reply to: How common are accidents? posted by FidgetFancier on January 29, 2000 at 10:35

Related to this question is another: Why do "accidents" happen? I'll jot down a few reasons and hope that others will add to the list.

1. Alcohol. Not only does it speed up the kidneys but it also impairs judgment. Depending on the person and what he/she has imbibed, drinks like beer may provide less than half an hour between the first twinge of need and I-can't-hold-it, though this rapid rate is usually earlier in the evening while the alcohol is dehydrating the body. In any case, heavy drinking and long rides can equal an accident, even if you peed just before embarking.

2. Social Situations. There are occasions when it seems indelicate or wimpy to express a need to pee, so one holds it. Couples that don't know each other that well or are total strangers, or a subordinate with a superior might find it awkward to slip away and pee.

3. Occupations. Some jobs don't provide regular breaks, and a partial list was given a couple of weeks ago.

4. Lack of Planning. If you don't pee before getting into a place where there are no toilets, or you make a habit of waiting until the need is urgent, you may get caught short. Downing three sodas just before a three-hour drive will do it to me!

5. Unexpected Events. The rest room is closed, or there is a very long line. The traffic is tied up for miles. The elevators stalls. You planned OK, but God had other ideas.

6. Accidents on Purpose. We know what these are!

OK, folks. How about some more categories?


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