Re: A REAL girl....

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Posted by Phoenix-X on April 28, 2002 at 20:04

In Reply to: Re: A REAL girl.... posted by Creek on April 28, 2002 at 09:35

If you can get a perl 5 or better enabled webserver (windows or linux maybe) I can probably throw together a cgi board pretty easily with time. Trouble is most hosting providers dont, and co-location hosting costs a ton.

Anyone know who maintains the "classifieds" section of this website? With a few revisions that would almost be perfect. (except the site content would probably scare off most people)

An interface like: you place your profile ad and get a login. Every week it sends out an email telling you how many people expressed an interest.

From there you login to the site, and a list of all the people expressing interest is listed. If you decide you like someone you can express an interest back, thus turning the key in the lock so to speak and release each of your email addresses. That way girls dont have the "flash flood" problem quite so badly. This also allows the person placing the ad to "suspend" the ad if they actually find someone, thus not confusing the issue for other lonely ppl by having unavailable people being listed.

It could also have a filter, similar to the current classifieds, where people not matching your criteria get placed in a seperate "section" on your login page.

Eg. Here is an example for a girl seeking girl.
Type interface.

Matchmaker profile for Girls_Girl
Hi Jannete, here are other Girls Seeking Girls.

Jan (Bi) View Profile
Fran (Gay) View Profile
Amand (not sure) View Profile

Other (not female) 28 Users
Other (not bi/gay females) 1 Users

Change My profile
Change my Status

What you think? something like that would be pretty easy to code.


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