Re: How common are accidents?

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Posted by kinkajoy on September 12, 2000 at 00:54

In Reply to: How common are accidents? posted by FidgetFancier on January 29, 2000 at 10:35

I would have to say it depends on whether you're talking a full-fledged accident or a minor spurt-in-the-panties damp-crotch leaky incident. I'd say the minor ones are extremely common. I know I've had a spurt or two come out when I have to pee bad hundreds of times, especially when I was pregnant.

Complete empty-your-bladder accidents were rare until I started playing WS games with my boyfriend, now they're a little more common since my bladder is sometimes tired. Previous to that:

1) I once wet the bed when I was sick - I was probably 4 or 5.

2) I once wet myself copiously while walking home from school when I was in kindergarten.

3) I once wet myself under a sprinkler while waiting for the local pool to open its gates. I was probably about 10 years old.

4) I once wet myself when I was locked out the house when I was teenager after coming home from partying at the beach. In a way this one was on purpose, because I did let it come out, but I knew I was going to wet myself if I didn't do something, and being unable to find a spot hidden from all neighbors so I could pull down my bikini bottoms and go, I finally found a mostly hidden spot and peed in my bikini bottoms.

I believe that's all the full-fledged accidents I've had before the last couple years of wet bliss!


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