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Mommy Changes Your Messy Diaper

CODE: VC-302

Price: US$9.95

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Running Time: 10:03 mins
Available in Download Only
Amount: 1

Product Description

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Mommy can tell you've done something by that look on your face. As you hurry past, Mommy smells that all familiar stench even stronger.

"You've got a messy diaper haven't you? What did I tell you about being a big boy! Don't shake your head and try to deny it, I can smell your messy bottom from the next room!"

Mommy is very angry and tells you how disgusting you are, as she reaches out and takes away the toy you're playing with.

"I'm so tired of this, I thought you were supposed to be a big boy! Now come here and lie in front of mommy so I can change that dirty, smelly diaper you're in."

You lie down in front of Mommy. She looks very cross as she tells you that you're going to be punished for this. As mommy opens your diaper, she cringes and tells you how disgusting it is! She lectures you about being such a big baby, before taking a closer look between your legs.

"How do you expect to please Mommy with such a tiny little cock!"

As mommy cleans your messy bottom with wipes, she tells you how she was going to let you try and please her today as she'd been feeling really horny. But as your obviously not capable with that tiny cock, Mommy instead sends you to stand in the corner, while she pleases herself.

And that's just the start!!

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