Re: Response to the democratic loyalists

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Posted by Kalyn on January 27, 2000 at 02:10

In Reply to: Re: Response to the democratic loyalists posted by Lionheart on January 24, 2000 at 22:05

Lionheart, friend and buddy.

Things are not quite what they seem in the Asian communities. You know how the news is, they only report what they want you to hear.

1) China alone has the resources and technology already in place to be the biggest producer of warfare. The United States would be little competition.

2) China has the largest UNIFIED manpower in the entire world. They already have systems in place to begin production if necessary, and the people trained to make it smooth. *The United States has a virtually negative unemployment rate, and converting production to alternate means would be costly, and time consumming.*

3) China's policy of limiting families to only one child has caused a unique situation. Most families aborted their female offspring to have sons, and now China has a huge population of 16 year old boys who will probably never have family connections. Hence, their family is their country. This policy has been lifted of course, but the fact remains China has an entire army of young men who have no women to tie them down or make them concerned about returning home to. You've seen how effective the Japans suicide squadrons were, and now you can imagine the impact of this.

4) China has been testing their necular weapons over the ocean for years.

5) The most technologically advanced countries in the world, are now going back under the control of China.

The United States plays a big role in the world scene, but no world power lasts forever. If China should go against the United States, we can kiss North America Good-Bye. Our Canadian peace keeping troops would have their work cut out for them.


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