Re: Global warming does not exist

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Posted by Victoriah Nichole Little on July 15, 2005 at 04:14 []

In Reply to: Global warming does not exist posted by George W. Bush on July 14, 2005 at 18:50

Does anyone remember the early 80's, when "scientists" tried to tell us that a new ice age was coming? How about that same time period, the so-called "energy crisis"? Mid-to-late 70's, when they tried to tell us that noise polution was such a problem that it would become lethal? They told us also that by the 90s we would be living in domed cities. Oh yes - our hair spray was causing a big hole in the ozone layer (well we DID use a hell of a lot of hair spray in the 80s you know) and everyone was gonna get cancer and die. But then we didn't really need to worry about that, as the world would come to a screeching halt when all computer systems failed from Y2K anyway.

Come ON people! Is your life so boring that you just have to have something to be afraid of? You are as bad as conspiracy theorists.

Ok, proof? Temperature readings from 25 well known mountain sites around the world show no temperature change data. Tree Ring studies going back hundreds of years show no climate change data. The only evidence we have of climate change is a hald degree - HALF DEGREE folks - difference shown in only 150 years of record keeping, and all this is taken from urban areas where you would have the urban heat island effect. There simply is not enough data.

Would you like something more? Let's say it IS true and there really is more carbon dioxide in the air. Well, that just means plants will grow faster, and you'll end up with a greener earth. When that takes place, the extra plant growth will even out the atmospheric equivalent.

THERE IS NO DANGER! Now go live your lives and stop worrying about things that will never come to pass.


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